Eric Thomson

Welcome to my home page! I'm a data scientist / neuroscientist. I got my MA in Philosophy and PhD in neuroscience at UCSD. After researching sensory processing in multiple model systems, I spent the past half decade writing code to analyze data in systems and behavioral neuroscience. At Duke I worked with Eva Naumann and Roarke Horstmeyer on the multi-camera array microscope (MCAM) project, which is basically our best attempt at copying the fly's compound eye using silicon. I then did data science for multiple neuroscience labs, helping people set up pipelines for data analysis using tools such as Deep Lab Cut and Caiman.
My guiding philosophy is that software developers should work hard to remove barriers to software usage. People gathering data and doing experiments should be able to extract data without requiring a CS degree. Deep Lab Cut embodies these principles nicely.
Much of my time these days is spent doing freelance data science and software development. If you want help analyzing neural or behavioral data, feel free to reach out (my email address is below).
I'm married to Julia Kulla-Mader. We moved to Durham, NC from San Diego thinking we'd live here three years or so before moving back to a "real" city. However, it turns out Durham is really nice, and we seem to have settled here.
I update this site about once a year.
Email address: thomson [dot] eric [gmail].
Site last updated: January 2025